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      12-11-2019, 11:50 AM   #37
Luxury at the redline :)
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Drives: 2016 M2
Join Date: Aug 2012
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Originally Posted by omasou View Post
Originally Posted by Poochie View Post
Don't quote me but I'm assuming it depends on the in-vehicle independent data connection to operate properly.

Not every part of the world has a proper internet connection, so it's limited to the countries that currently do.
The vehicle connection is WiFI. The internet connection is the phone. So would be dependent on phone capabilities in that market not car. Car can mirror whatever the phone gives it.
The BMW APPs (Spotify, Napster, BMW M Laptimer, ect) all stopped working recently in my vehicle and I was going crazy trying to figure out why.

Come to find out that the reason was because my ConnectDrive data subscription had expired and the APP are all dependent on the vehicle's independent data connection to populate, even though it was using my phone data to stream the main function.

Within a few minutes of renewing it, everything was back up and running.

So yes, believe it or not, all APP and interface like CarPlay does use the in-vehicle data connection, to a degree. How do think it validates if you have a current CarPlay subscription.
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