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      03-28-2023, 07:34 PM   #2575
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Originally Posted by NGT2 View Post
Go to the X7 forum and take a hard stance on the LCI. Doesn’t matter which side you land on, just land hard and dig in and vocalize it. Someone will be along shortly to brawl.

Or tell Joe-BMW33 you’re putting M badges on a 530.

Or tell Mandingo9 how the M2 is the greatest bimmer ever built. And that vegetarian is where it’s at.
Lol. Normally LCI’s are better. Just not the X7

Joes lucky I don’t have his phone number. I would terrorize him with tricolor kidney grill pictures on a daily basis. I laugh then scoff every time I see them.
“ Also, pretty sure mine came with AS tires from factory, so has 130 mph speed limiter. Seems like taking viagra with your dick duct taped to your leg.”
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      03-28-2023, 09:04 PM   #2576

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Originally Posted by NGT2 View Post
Go to the X7 forum and take a hard stance on the LCI. Doesn’t matter which side you land on, just land hard and dig in and vocalize it. Someone will be along shortly to brawl.

Or tell Joe-BMW33 you’re putting M badges on a 530.

Or tell Mandingo9 how the M2 is the greatest bimmer ever built. And that vegetarian is where it’s at.
Or go on any BMW forum and profess your love for the XMeh
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      03-28-2023, 09:06 PM   #2577
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Ha ha ha ha ha! “Take a hard stance…doesnt matter what side you land”. That is classic.

People are absolutely nuts….everyone is fighting everyone…no matter where you go. This world has gone to shit and you have people like Logical living in some alternate utopian sotware engineer universe thinking we’re making progress (only because his boy is president).

Even on yahoo finance…people shreding each other non stop on those stock chat boards. Everywhere you turn is bullshit. Everyone is a keyboard warrior. This is so healthy and progressive.

Im glad I’m retired and dont have to deal with some of these woke snowflake/fruitcakes anymore. Not all were bad, but some were supreme winners that couldnt think their way out of wet paper bag. Sweet baby Jesus….I have to ice my back again.
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      03-28-2023, 09:07 PM   #2578

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Do any of you golfers do golf simulators in the offseason? I joined a league a couple of months ago, it’s been a lot of fun. It’s also good that I’m in midseason form before the outdoor season starts. My lessons are over so no more swing tweaks until next winter. Been really happy with the lessons results and driver shaft refit, gained 30yards carry
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      03-28-2023, 11:25 PM   #2579
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Originally Posted by NVRfollo View Post
Do any of you golfers do golf simulators in the offseason? I joined a league a couple of months ago, it’s been a lot of fun. It’s also good that I’m in midseason form before the outdoor season starts. My lessons are over so no more swing tweaks until next winter. Been really happy with the lessons results and driver shaft refit, gained 30yards carry
Our club just got one and if I had time, I’d use it. We also had a golftech place open but not sure how they’re doing on business. We’ve had some cool indoor golf places open in the past but they haven’t lasted. I think part of the problem is that we are just far enough south that you can play 8-9 months a year, every week, if you want to. Even in winter you can get rounds in if you’re okay being cold. I’m okay with cold. Cold and wind or cold and rain are no-go combos for me. But 42 and sunny with no wind? All day. We just rarely get that.
2020 M550i xDrive (Champagne Quartz/Black)
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      03-29-2023, 03:37 AM   #2580
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Originally Posted by NVRfollo View Post
Do any of you golfers do golf simulators in the offseason? I joined a league a couple of months ago, it’s been a lot of fun. It’s also good that I’m in midseason form before the outdoor season starts. My lessons are over so no more swing tweaks until next winter. Been really happy with the lessons results and driver shaft refit, gained 30yards carry
Which sim do you have?
“ Also, pretty sure mine came with AS tires from factory, so has 130 mph speed limiter. Seems like taking viagra with your dick duct taped to your leg.”
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      03-29-2023, 05:31 AM   #2581

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Originally Posted by Mandingo9 View Post
Which sim do you have?
I have been going to different places in my area. They have Trackmans or GCQuads.
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      03-29-2023, 05:42 AM   #2582
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Originally Posted by NVRfollo View Post
I have been going to different places in my area. They have Trackmans or GCQuads.
Oh that’s cool. How do you find the pace of play?
“ Also, pretty sure mine came with AS tires from factory, so has 130 mph speed limiter. Seems like taking viagra with your dick duct taped to your leg.”
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      03-29-2023, 06:16 AM   #2583

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Originally Posted by Mandingo9 View Post
Oh that’s cool. How do you find the pace of play?
If it is just me, I can get a quick warm up session in and then finish 20+ holes in an hour. In my league, four guys playing 9 holes finish in 2 hours.
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      03-29-2023, 08:13 AM   #2584
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Originally Posted by Mandingo9 View Post
Lol. Normally LCI’s are better. Just not the X7

Joes lucky I don’t have his phone number. I would terrorize him with tricolor kidney grill pictures on a daily basis. I laugh then scoff every time I see them.
You guys know me too well!

Mandingo - ain't no way you're getting my cell like Rod and Mike, you would fucking haunt me and blow up my phone.
2018 M550ix|Carbon Black|Dinan Modifications|2003 540i|Jet Black|M-Sport|2021 X5 Mineral White
Prior BMW's: 1987 325e|1993 740i|1998 740il|2001 530i|2002 745li|2007 750li|2006 750li|2001 530i|2012 535xi|
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      03-29-2023, 08:15 AM   #2585
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Originally Posted by NVRfollo View Post
Do any of you golfers do golf simulators in the offseason? I joined a league a couple of months ago, it’s been a lot of fun. It’s also good that I’m in midseason form before the outdoor season starts. My lessons are over so no more swing tweaks until next winter. Been really happy with the lessons results and driver shaft refit, gained 30yards carry
Yep, the technology is crazy. Not all simulators are created equal. The ones where the ground moves to create a slope (such as on the lip of a buker) are sick.
2018 M550ix|Carbon Black|Dinan Modifications|2003 540i|Jet Black|M-Sport|2021 X5 Mineral White
Prior BMW's: 1987 325e|1993 740i|1998 740il|2001 530i|2002 745li|2007 750li|2006 750li|2001 530i|2012 535xi|
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      03-29-2023, 08:18 AM   #2586
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Originally Posted by 2022M550i View Post
People are absolutely nuts….everyone is fighting everyone…no matter where you go.

Everyone is a keyboard warrior.

Not me.

I'm right, I'm always right and you all should know that and just STFU if you don't agree with me.

I took a road trip yesterday, first real trip in the 550. My most recent road trip was in the M4 (picking it up from the dealer) which was 11 hours and two tanks of gas. This one was 8+ hours and one tank of gas (admittedly on fumes by the end). The 5 has the automated cruise/steering stuff, which is much better than it used to be, but still leaves something to be desired and I turn it off most of the time. It came on the car, I wonder never order this.

The worst, and this has happened once before, is passing a truck on the Interstate that is a bit to the left in its lane, and the car does not adjust its lane position so that the proximity sensor actually went off as I'm going 75 MPH past the truck. Jeeezus.

Anywho, I was lucky to not see much in the way of road rage on this trip, I think most of that happens in town during the commute when people are already late and annoyed that they have to work. Or annoyed that they have to go home and deal with their family. LOL


We're going up the highway (I-85) and it's 6 lanes with a warning "crash ahead" so traffic starts backing up and I'm in the right lane which is an "lane must exit" lane in about 1/2 mile, and the wife is telling me "you have to move over" and I'm like "I still have 1000 ft. to go!" and she says "you're being one of those people" and I say "we're in a BMW, they expect that" and the bozo in front of us merges over into the barely moving lane as I power on past, and the wife says something about them.

My point is: when I'm in traffic locally, and someone does a boner move, I'll honk or give them the finger or just think bad thoughts about them... unless they are from out of state (not VA, as those people move here and don't change their registration so that they can avoid property taxes) in which case I cut them some slack. Since we were, at the time, in SC and I have NC plates, I was hoping for the same.

How about you guys? You see some woke moron (according to @2022M550i) with a Obama sticker on the back of their car who wants to cut in front of you... do you consider the source (out of state) before (or not) giving them some slack and perhaps a wave? Or do you blow by them, on the horn screaming "go back to Kansas, and take your silly dog too!"???

Oh, and topic #2: This wreck on the highway was all on the shoulder, not blocking traffic at all. What was holding us up was the freakin' moron rubberneckers who just have to slow down to review the carnage, hoping (I suspect) for pieces of dismemberment. People suck.
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      03-29-2023, 08:31 AM   #2587
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Originally Posted by Joe-BMW33 View Post
You guys know me too well!

Mandingo - ain't no way you're getting my cell like Rod and Mike, you would fucking haunt me and blow up my phone.
I don’t have Mikes and wouldn’t want it. If I did I would have no choice but to send him all the stupid shit I see here in the city. He’d have an aneurysm on top of having the back issues. I couldn’t have that on my conscience.
“ Also, pretty sure mine came with AS tires from factory, so has 130 mph speed limiter. Seems like taking viagra with your dick duct taped to your leg.”
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      03-29-2023, 08:41 AM   #2588
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Originally Posted by LuvMyE92 View Post

Not me.

I'm right, I'm always right and you all should know that and just STFU if you don't agree with me.

I took a road trip yesterday, first real trip in the 550. My most recent road trip was in the M4 (picking it up from the dealer) which was 11 hours and two tanks of gas. This one was 8+ hours and one tank of gas (admittedly on fumes by the end). The 5 has the automated cruise/steering stuff, which is much better than it used to be, but still leaves something to be desired and I turn it off most of the time. It came on the car, I wonder never order this.

The worst, and this has happened once before, is passing a truck on the Interstate that is a bit to the left in its lane, and the car does not adjust its lane position so that the proximity sensor actually went off as I'm going 75 MPH past the truck. Jeeezus.

Anywho, I was lucky to not see much in the way of road rage on this trip, I think most of that happens in town during the commute when people are already late and annoyed that they have to work. Or annoyed that they have to go home and deal with their family. LOL


We're going up the highway (I-85) and it's 6 lanes with a warning "crash ahead" so traffic starts backing up and I'm in the right lane which is an "lane must exit" lane in about 1/2 mile, and the wife is telling me "you have to move over" and I'm like "I still have 1000 ft. to go!" and she says "you're being one of those people" and I say "we're in a BMW, they expect that" and the bozo in front of us merges over into the barely moving lane as I power on past, and the wife says something about them.

My point is: when I'm in traffic locally, and someone does a boner move, I'll honk or give them the finger or just think bad thoughts about them... unless they are from out of state (not VA, as those people move here and don't change their registration so that they can avoid property taxes) in which case I cut them some slack. Since we were, at the time, in SC and I have NC plates, I was hoping for the same.

How about you guys? You see some woke moron (according to @2022M550i) with a Obama sticker on the back of their car who wants to cut in front of you... do you consider the source (out of state) before (or not) giving them some slack and perhaps a wave? Or do you blow by them, on the horn screaming "go back to Kansas, and take your silly dog too!"???

Oh, and topic #2: This wreck on the highway was all on the shoulder, not blocking traffic at all. What was holding us up was the freakin' moron rubberneckers who just have to slow down to review the carnage, hoping (I suspect) for pieces of dismemberment. People suck.
I have grown more patient with people as I have gotten older. Patient with people that have clearly made a mistake or not familiar with the area. Unless they have a Biden/Kamalamala sticker on the car of course, then all bets are off.

It's pretty easy to spot an asshole like you trying to beat the system vs. someone clearly lost or stuck in a lane they shouldn't be in.

Now me, I tend to take a halfway approach. I would have gotten out of that lane sooner, but I would have stayed in it knowing I should not be in it to beat traffic. Definitely don't want to be the guy at the very end of it cutting into traffic at the last minute because that's the guy I would not let in and go out of my way to box him out.
2018 M550ix|Carbon Black|Dinan Modifications|2003 540i|Jet Black|M-Sport|2021 X5 Mineral White
Prior BMW's: 1987 325e|1993 740i|1998 740il|2001 530i|2002 745li|2007 750li|2006 750li|2001 530i|2012 535xi|
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      03-29-2023, 08:55 AM   #2589
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Originally Posted by Joe-BMW33 View Post
Definitely don't want to be the guy at the very end of it cutting into traffic at the last minute because that's the guy I would not let in and go out of my way to box him out.
I confess to being a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to that.

HOWEVER, if people would just use some common sense and do an orderly zipper merge without stopping then these things wouldn't be such a freakin' mess.

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      03-29-2023, 09:15 AM   #2590
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Originally Posted by Mandingo9 View Post
I don’t have Mikes and wouldn’t want it. If I did I would have no choice but to send him all the stupid shit I see here in the city. He’d have an aneurysm on top of having the back issues. I couldn’t have that on my conscience.
Ha ha ha....and my entire body would be paralyzed except for my eyes.
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      03-29-2023, 09:24 AM   #2591
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Originally Posted by 2022M550i View Post
Ha ha ha....and my entire body would be paralyzed except for my eyes.
You be a dumber and much angered Stephen hawking.
“ Also, pretty sure mine came with AS tires from factory, so has 130 mph speed limiter. Seems like taking viagra with your dick duct taped to your leg.”
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      03-29-2023, 09:30 AM   #2592
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Originally Posted by Joe-BMW33 View Post
I have grown more patient with people as I have gotten older. Patient with people that have clearly made a mistake or not familiar with the area. Unless they have a Biden/Kamalamala sticker on the car of course, then all bets are off.
Liar! You lose your shit at the first sign of stupidity just any of us on here. The only difference between your younger self and you now is the older you follows up with some sort of "tough love" statement. Oh...golly gee wilikers, "Sorry for the tough love fellas".....etc. Ha ha. I swear I just read that in one of your responses in another thread. We snap instantly like carrots, then we realize we reacted like old crotchety dicks, then we try to smooth it over with the follow up. You're getting soft...not patient. Joe's a lover, not a fighter.
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      03-29-2023, 09:31 AM   #2593
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Originally Posted by Mandingo9 View Post
You be a dumber and much angered Stephen hawking.
That dude aint got nuttin on me. I gots street smarts.

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      03-29-2023, 09:38 AM   #2594
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Originally Posted by 2022M550i View Post
Liar! You lose your shit at the first sign of stupidity just any of us on here. The only difference between your younger self and you now is the older you follows up with some sort of "tough love" statement. Oh...golly gee wilikers, "Sorry for the tough love fellas".....etc. Ha ha. I swear I just read that in one of your responses in another thread. We snap instantly like carrots, then we realize we reacted like old crotchety dicks, then we try to smooth it over with the follow up. You're getting soft...not patient. Joe's a lover, not a fighter.
Oh make no mistake, it's a battle, I am a fucking hothead like you can't believe, but I have become kinder on the road. But if you read my response, if you are the guy trying to cut me off or in, you're gonna get a horn, two fingers and a tail up the ass.
2018 M550ix|Carbon Black|Dinan Modifications|2003 540i|Jet Black|M-Sport|2021 X5 Mineral White
Prior BMW's: 1987 325e|1993 740i|1998 740il|2001 530i|2002 745li|2007 750li|2006 750li|2001 530i|2012 535xi|
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      03-29-2023, 09:48 AM   #2595
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Originally Posted by HerkHealer View Post
Pretty wild ! Had no idea that would launch a car like that. Catastrophic bearing failure on the truck. At the end you can see the rotor and hub still attached to the wheel. Probably from putting giant tires and spacers on.
I did think it was funny the tire came back just to hit it one more time. LOL
The personal injury lawyer is going to have a field day going after the driver for modifying the truck and the seller of the modifications and the manufacturers of the modifications.

Bro Dozer culture attacks car culture!

'19 X3 M40 Carbon Black/Oyster, '21 X7 40i AW/Black, Past BMWs: '18 M550i, '18 330 GT, '16 X5 40e, '11 E90M3, '06 X5 4.4, '03 330i ZHP, '02 M3, '97 Z3 2.8, '95 M3 (2x), '94 530i (manual), '92 525i (manual), '88 M3, '87 325iS
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      03-29-2023, 09:59 AM   #2596
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Originally Posted by Joe-BMW33 View Post
Oh make no mistake, it's a battle, I am a fucking hothead like you can't believe, but I have become kinder on the road. But if you read my response, if you are the guy trying to cut me off or in, you're gonna get a horn, two fingers and a tail up the ass.
I know what you mean...I'm breaking nuts. In person, you may be shocked, I'm extremely well behaved/patient/measured now that I'm older. As a young corporate man, I was a complete animal when faced with what I perceived as stupidity...there was no way I could hide my disgust. Like yourself, I can't hide my disgust when I see those certain bumper stickers.
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